The Society Today

In recent years the Society has struggled with declining numbers due largely to the high average age of the membership. Those who have drifted away have only been partly replaced by newcomers, largely to Elston. Over the same period the cost of speakers had steadily risen while the subscription rates had not kept pace. The Committee has wrestled with the problem of how to increase interest and membership without deterring existing members, but the loyalty of long standing members has withstood the small increases in subscription rates and entry charges that have been necessary.

When Graham Firth retired as Rector his successor acquired three other parishes – Flawborough, Kilvington with Alverton and Staunton – but so far this has not resulted in any increase in membership, a matter for which the Committee has yet to find a remedy. The Committee decided that no change should be made to the name of the Society, to reflect the enlargement, as the name Pentagon was now well embedded, and to change it might be counterproductive.

For the benefit of newcomers, however, the suffix "Local History Society" was added and a Tudor rose emblem, five sided and reflecting the link with the Battle of Stoke Field, was adopted as a logo and used to adorn the new style programme cards handed out at the September meeting.

Recently the subject matter of talks has been expanded beyond purely local topics and there is some evidence to suggest that the latter has been effective in attracting new members.

Secretary and Chairman

The Future

In 2006 the decision was taken to apply for a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake a number of projects over the next two years which would celebrate Elston’s past and to record its more recent history. The project involved a huge amount of work, fostered a greater interest in the village’s heritage, and increased membership so that the Society not only flourished but also acted as a beacon for other villages and historical societies in the area to do likewise. The Society takes conducted tours of the village for other groups and gives talks about the project.This  simultaneously raises the Society’s profile and enables it to meet the rising costs of good speakers.
For information about the Elston Heritage Project go to